
From a recent podcast, I learned about a phenomenon known as whalefall. When a large whale dies and sinks to the depths of the ocean – rather than being beached, becoming a terrible event to witness and worry over – the falls, or carcasses, quietly provide immediate, intermediate, and long-term benefits to an entire ecosystem.…


Housing insecurity, racism, poverty, the healthy development of young people, social identities, the building of community, our environment – these have all played parts in shaping who I am at 75. I have not just studied these, but I have contributed, protested, taught, and labored to address them. But my relationship to war has lately…

You’d Have to See It to Believe It

Last week I took a friend and colleague to see a teen program in Chicago. Describing After School Matters as a teen program is a bit like calling Saarinen a builder or Lake Michigan a pond. There are 10,000 Chicago teens in programs this summer, with more participating after school during the fall and spring…

It’s the Big One

Fred Sanford’s Big One was a feigned heart attack pulled out whenever he needed a break from his most recent poor choice. He’d call on his late wife, Elizabeth, and let her know he was going to join her. Whether he was conning Lena Horn or getting his son to stay close by, Fred (Redd…